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Eden's Launcher - Widescreen and High Resolution HUD 
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Joined: Wed Mar 16, 2011 1:45 am
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Post Eden's Launcher - Widescreen and High Resolution HUD
Current version: v1.0.7
For the players that would like to play PSOBB Eden in widescreen resolutions!

The launcher enables you to select from the following resolutions:

  • 640x480
  • 800x600
  • 1024x786
  • 1280x720
  • 1280x800
  • 1280x1024
  • 1366x786
  • 1400x1050
  • 1440x900
  • 1600x900
  • 1600x1200
  • 1680x1050
  • 1920x1080
  • 1920x1200
  • 2048x1152
  • 2560x1440
  • 2560x1600

The launcher also enables you to switch to high resolution HUD. This option increases the HUD resolution and doesn't affect your skin.

The launcher comes with the Eden Client. If missing the patch server will push the latest version.

To install the launcher the process is simple. Place the launcher.exe into your Eden PSOBB directory and then run launcher.exe to start the game. The launcher is required to be used each time you want to run the game in Widescreen/High resolution HUD.

High resolution HUD
To enable the high resolution hud, select options and then check "High res hud"


The high resolution hud will only work if you are running equal or greater resolutions than below:

  • 1024x768 (4:3)
  • 1280x720 (16:9)
  • 1280x800 (16:10)

Note for Windows Vista/7/8 users
If you are using Windows Vista/7/8 you'll need to ensure that the launcher is run as administrator or that UAC is switched off before you run the launcher. Otherwise you may find that the widescreen/high resolution hud wont work.

Feed back would be welcomed.


Mon Jun 09, 2014 4:28 am
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Post Re: Eden's Launcher - Widescreen and High Resolution HUD
Titlescreen looks interesting and i like the smaller elements like "press start" or the "loading"
Change log now has tons of space for info, really nice, progress bar and textures however are not aligned, also there is a gap in the textures caused by the extra space
Char select screen reminds me of psov2 high res, everything in a corner while models use the full space.
Interesting PSO BB movie (stuff happens outside the main screen)
Char creation is similar to char select screen
Main loading screen manipulation has a desync between display area and mouse movement area.
Simple mail "languange/keyboard input" appears at the default res, but no big deal since it's still in the UI and doesn't bother anyone.
Text chat looks perfect
Ui on certain things (like define controls) isn't ideal.
Exiting from the press start menu may be hard as the UI will be behing the titlescreen (not the background, i mean the title phantasy star online Blue burst)
Everything else seems amazing i believe.
Haven't checked the credits.

EDIT: spelling mistakes

Last edited by K_I_R_E_E_K on Tue Jun 10, 2014 12:48 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Mon Jun 09, 2014 11:44 am
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Post Re: Eden's Launcher - Widescreen and High Resolution HUD
Just tested it. I like it enough

Though...I do see what Kireek means with the exiting from the start menu.

I might be a little simple that I got happy over the launcher having the background scroll like that >.>

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Tue Jun 10, 2014 7:54 am
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Post Re: Eden's Launcher - Widescreen and High Resolution HUD
I realized about that little menu after I uploaded it. As most of the time i just use Alt+Backspace to end the game. I'll fix it with the next update.

Change log now has tons of space for info, really nice, progress bar and textures however is not aligned, also there is a gap in the textures caused by the extra space

This can sometimes happen if the launcher didn't update the values in time. Does this happen everytime? (It appears fine for me). I may have to change the code that detects that the game is unpacked in memory to fix this.

I can position most things on the character selection screen. It's just the background I haven't sorted yet so didn't bother doing that for the moment.

Main loading screen manipulation has a desynch between display area and mouse movement area.

Yeah. Particles are a pain. They aren't on the same frame as the HUD. They are actually in their own frame (a 3d frame). So the positioning of them is a pain to track down (as the position in hud doesn't always equal the position in their frame. Same goes for the particle effect on the main screen or any particle effect for that matter). In this screen for example as the field of view has changed the "camera" has moved further away from the particle. So to fix I should just need to bring the particle closer to the camera...

I forgot about the simple mail icon. I'll get that sorted on the next update.

Defining the controls also. I'll get that sorted on the next update too.

I still need to make the launcher pretty. It looks quite basic. So if anyone is willing to help provide some graphics for it...

Thanks for the feedback.


Tue Jun 10, 2014 8:57 am
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Post Re: Eden's Launcher - Widescreen and High Resolution HUD
Requesting 1024*600 resolution for those of us sporting postage stamp-sized laptops.

I quite like the current launcher to be honest, just the white of the HUmar's arm coming close to the text is a little off-putting.

Tue Jun 10, 2014 9:20 am
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Post Re: Eden's Launcher - Widescreen and High Resolution HUD
Indeed it does not happen everytime tofuman, today for example everything was fine, but yesterday i remember seeing gaps and the textures were on top of the log, making text hard to read.

I think the launcher looks great, could use some actual options (you know, the options that you access via online.exe)

As for images, if you feel like changing them, just give me an idea on what you want, i have a few patterns and pso related images here.

Tue Jun 10, 2014 12:54 pm
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Post Re: Eden's Launcher - Widescreen and High Resolution HUD
v1.0.5 uploaded. Corrected the positions of most of the reported out of place items. Team chat still yet to be done however.


Mon Jun 16, 2014 1:19 pm

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Post Re: Eden's Launcher - Widescreen and High Resolution HUD
Team chat is now done. still version 1.0.5 though.


Fri Jun 20, 2014 1:52 pm
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Post Re: Eden's Launcher - Widescreen and High Resolution HUD
Tofu, i put it in my directory and launched as admin, set my resolution and settings and when I hit launch, nothing happens. I'm running Windows 7, 64-bit. My resolution is 1920x1080.


Tue Jun 24, 2014 6:29 pm
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Post Re: Eden's Launcher - Widescreen and High Resolution HUD
It needs to be in the same directory as the client. The Client EXE has to be named psobb.exe. It also only works with the Eden Client.


Wed Jun 25, 2014 4:54 am
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