A mysterious event has begun!
1st off I am so very sorry xmas was delayed this year but I finally got internet back at home to where I could work with the files needed to put up the quests. Xmas will probably run until around valentines day this year due to the delay. So I think I will add in an extra event with it this year so here it goes...
https://photos.fife.usercontent.google. ... authuser=0Well now that I have changed my costume into something more appropriate. As you can see from my costume you are all going to be playing detectives for this quest. I challenge you all to try to solve this mystery. You all have until I finish handing out this years xmas rewards to try and solve it. You can work together, But I do ask that if you do figure it out, and manage to pull it off do not give away the answer to the other players. Please lets make this fun for everyone. I will be dropping more clues as the days go by. This may get a bit more cryptic so good luck to everyone as it will take several clues before any of this even starts to make sense.
Your 1st clue is already in the patch notes.
And since I do not know how often I am going to be able to get back to this I will go ahead and give you the 2nd clue now.
The 2nd clue is "3 points."
The 3rd clue is dog's hospitality.
The 4th clue is Farmer's alarm.
The 5th clue is Holiday tradition.
The 6th clue is Drawer.
The 7th clue is In the rice fields.