Quest details:
Advertise the server.
People who want more people to play here.
To draw in the 3 a.m. board as hell why am I watching local access tv crowd? When I could be playing psobb eden, meeting new people, and finding cool stuff?
More people to play with, a slightly lighter wallet, and a sense of accomplishment.
How to complete this in 10 easy steps.
1st Make a picture advertising the server.
2nd Load the finished picture on a flash card with a usb device.
3rd Take $20, and the ad on the usb flash drive. then go down to your local cable office.
4th Take out an ad on their local access channel. (You know the one that advertises the local garage sales community bulletins while playing some local radio station under it.)
5th Make sure you mention the game is not for profit when placing the ad there is a discount for that.
6th Wait until around 3 a.m. 3 nights after the ad has been running.
7th View results.
8th Wait a week.
9th View results.
10th If results are good renew the ad's time and possibly update the picture you used to advertise the server.