Server commands
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Author:  XxNaHtExX [ Tue May 04, 2010 7:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Server commands

Server commands:

/setpass <password> (Used in-game to set a password on your game. Simply input the password after /setpass. Using this without an argument will remove the current password, thus unlocking the room.)

/ignore 420xxxxx (Used to ignore people. Put their guild card number in you wish to ignore.)

/bank (switches between character and common bank)

/count (Displays the number of players connected)

/matcount (Displays the amount of each material you've used)

/killcount (Displays the amount of kills on a kill count weapon or item. Please put the item you wish to check at the bottom of your inventory and try the command again if it is not working.)

/lobby (Sends you to the lobby when in a quest)

/magtimer x || x is optional. (The server will give you a message when you are able to feed your mag. 1 = a side-screen message | 2 = A message window pop up (has a sound occur) | 3 = A repeated scrolling top-screen message)

/me <action> (Sends a notification to each user in the same lobby/game as you along the lines of "Username <action>")

/mykills (Displays your total kills since Feb 2012 and your event kill count during events.)

/ttf (Displays your fastest Ultimate difficulty TTF completion details.)

/leader (Displays what color gem player has room leadership.)

/randquest (When in the lobby displays a random episode number. When in game displays a random quest name. Used to make up your mind when you just want to play a random quest.)

/npc <0-11> (Turns you into an NPC - Change blocks to take effect; Notes below)

NPC Values
0: Default (you)
1: Famitsu (Ninja)
2: Red Ring Rico (Episode I)
3: Sonic the Hedgehog
4: Knuckles the Echidna
5: Miles "Tails" Prower
6: Heathcliff Flowen (Episode II)
7: Elly Person (Episode II)
8: Momoka (Episode IV)
9: Irene (principal's assistant)
10: Guild/Bank Lady
11: Nurse

Author:  Choko [Bot] [ Sat Jun 19, 2010 3:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Server commands

/magtimer added. See OP for more details.

Author:  Choko [Bot] [ Tue Dec 21, 2010 5:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Server commands

Displays your fastest Ultimate difficulty TTF completion details.
Starting from the time of this post, obviously.

Author:  Spoghead [ Thu Sep 13, 2012 4:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Server commands

Updated again. Added /mykills and removed both of the arrow related commands.

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