(The title would mean something lik "good one bald man" - spanish, it's way of saying hello)
In fact i started to play on eden something like a month and a half ago, but never felt like saying hi. Though after having met some people i think i owe to say hi in order to explain my actual absence. This is because I'm realizing that i will be playing a lot less than i thought since my classes started (probably once a week or less)
I'll say by the way that i've had a great time playing pso on Eden and (if it isn't already said too much lol) it's nice to see that almost everyone i meet ingame are nice and trustworthy people. It really makes me happy to know that if i leave items on the ground during a trade i don't even have to set a password because noone will steal the stuff. And it's a very common thing to trade stuff in the way of just mutual giving away.
I played pso on gamecube several years ago and got to lv 131 there, summed a total of about 1'100 hours of gameplay so i'm quite a fan of this game. I've also played the first Phantasy Star for sega saturn, and a bit of the Phantasy Star 2, and i plan on playing the four of them some day.
All said, see you guys around
PD: Sorry for any misspellings or grammar errors or anything. By the way if any of you need it, i can provide help with spanish and german lenguages