What sup BB peoples
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Author:  var00 [ Sat Dec 17, 2011 10:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What sup BB peoples

Rioshima wrote:
I found 7 new rares today, some dupes

Dont say dupes, dupes are like items that were made from a previous item. (gamecube terms which follow over to BB) and if u get the same weapon just say like for example: I got 7 rares today, 3 of them were musashi, 3 of them were fire staff:agni and 1 of them was a brave hammer etc etc.

Some people may get ideas when you say dupes. I knew what you meant though. Just a security measure. Other than that, your doing great.

Author:  Rioshima [ Sat Dec 17, 2011 11:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What sup BB peoples

Alright thanks, and for now just trying to figure out how to Dual Client, (I was told it's called) so i can trasnfer items and things easier back to back to my brothers accounts, sadly today got some things stolen from me for the first time by some Force girl. Nothing to serious though was a couple hunter weapons, but IDK why she stole them, kinda gave me a grumpy mood today so if Im getting like out of hand just remind me or something.

Status update: My little brother's character (Pupil) level 22: Hucast

Also if anyone could teach me exactly how to Dual client without that japanese Error popping please reply here or PM me...

Author:  var00 [ Sat Dec 17, 2011 3:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What sup BB peoples

First of all, when it comes to trades and somebody steals ur items, report the user's name and such.

Second, you cant dual client on 1 computer. You can however On two computers, both with the clients. just use one pc for ur acc, and another for ur brother's pc.

Author:  Sin [ Sat Dec 17, 2011 3:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What sup BB peoples

*cough* You can dual client, just not with UAC active....most of the time. :P

Author:  __O_daniel_O__ [ Sat Dec 17, 2011 3:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What sup BB peoples

^ What he said...I have had up to 3 clients open on one computer at a transfer items around.

Also, welcome. xD

Author:  Karma [ Sat Dec 17, 2011 3:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What sup BB peoples

sam6555 wrote:
Sin wrote:
*cough* You can dual client, just not with UAC active....most of the time. :P

Who even has UAC on? :P I turned it off on the first day I install every OS :P

Even at work where we've got some really stupid rules we turn off UAC. XD

If you're getting a particular error when you try to dual client, you should post a picture so we can help. :P

Author:  Rioshima [ Sun Dec 18, 2011 2:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What sup BB peoples

User Active Control or something like that. I totally forgot about it lol. Thanks everyone * sorry to any of those I got a little uncomfortable with in-game, just became a bit bothered when everyone repeatedly said to just open a 2nd client on the same computer... it's like a why aren't you listening to me type spamm X.X so I totally took things a little too serious.

Status update: My brother put on his first rare today...Me and Vince (pro) beat up a few challenge modes.. we found out that the drops were even at a lower rate.. how we beat it without a single HP/ Power materials beats me XD.

Records: Remembered them by heart, yes a Duo saved 1 whole hour of challenge mode, were still looking for more players. if you think you can healthily be a cast for 3 hours straight and listen to our strategies please join whenever ^.^.
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