What sup BB peoples
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Author:  Rioshima [ Wed Dec 14, 2011 4:40 am ]
Post subject:  What sup BB peoples

Hello admins/staff, and community of Edenserv
My name is Anthony Franklin (Male)
I am African American, 5'9, Born July 2nd 1993, ( 18 years old and proud of it)

I'm glad to finally log in, which took me like 2 days to figure out what's going on, I play on a Toshiba Windows 7 (Don't know the computer stats, I didn't bother to look at them yet but it's pretty good)

My ingame names are as follows:
Lasuccubu -Hunewearl -Level 11, Battle Mage
Photon Card= Purperlum *yes massive rares shall drop before me so eat my dust*
*I wanted Succubus but the s was cut off lol*

I got this working at 4 in the morning after having to download that massive long installer, it worked, I yelped a bit because I kept falling asleep but once I started playing I got the Nocturnal side of y=my brain functioning even though its morning.

I hope to meet some of you in-game, my favorite room names will be these.

Mike epps ( the Black Comedian) rooms I Quests in if they are multiplayer,
0.0 (The surprised look for when I'm Looking for some items/ (none rare)
NWB4LF = newb 4 Life (I'm free of my busyness and I'll assist you in anyway possible if allowed =O)
Lev what? = (IDC what level you are I will give you random crap and I will force you to Play the entire ruins run with me, if your a coward don't enter ^,^)

well those are my rooms for multiplayer and my solo room is OFC

o.o or Solo Strike.

Extra information: I own a Playstation 2,3 Xboxm Xbox 360, 4 Nds, 2 3D-Nds, 3 Labtops homewise only 1 belongs to me, and a couple other electronic crap.
My favorite games for PS3 Are:

White knight Chronicles 2: *currently still trying to beat, hard as ****

Demon Souls: *not it's Sequal Dark souls haven't touched it yet, I've gotten killed enough to realize 1000 deaths is telling me I suck*

DC Universe Online * Was a favorite for a while, until I somewhat found out I needed other pros to unlock the cool armors, sadly half the level 30 populations in my area fail hard, that they die before me even with fully donated equips.

Bleach Soul ignition * Can't really give any details I just love the playing style*

Well thats my introduction, hope you all know enough about me, to call me a friend ^.^ in-game, atm grinding to level 48, than I'll hunt delsaber's Buster, and the Shield for that massive boost, I'd also love if someone was nice enough to help me find/ or sell ^.^.

btw are those characters from Soul Eater? *Curious* In your signatures I think their called.

Daily Status updates:
Charname: Lasuccubu (Current Character)
Level: 103
Weapon: Sange+2
Mag: Varaya, Vayu, Nandin (Attack, Accuracy, Mind) in that order

Looking for:
Delsabers buster
Delsabers Shield
Photon Drops/Add slots
Friends/ party
C-mode Episode 2 team
Sex-Partner *Real-Life* ( I just had to throw that 1 out there for giggles)

Obtained already:
Level 100+
Ultamate mode
600+ ATP
a mind/Attack/hit mag of each with 45 value in the boost stat

Need help with:
Leveling to 140,
Endless nightmare#4 V hard mode
Finding you all Christmas presents, *post here any item in game I'll either attempt to find it or Donate you it =O* I'll try i mean

Author:  Lady_Ashe [ Wed Dec 14, 2011 6:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What sup BB peoples

Welcome to Eden! Enjoy your stay and have those rares fall to their knees!

Author:  Rioshima [ Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What sup BB peoples

Will do Angel... I mean Ma'am or Sir. *don't shoot me in the head, because i won't wake back up in 2 weeks XD*

Status Update: level 25, Cleared 4 Quests, found 0 rares but I do have quite the collection of +14 busters/ Lockguns *that I must say is terrorfying also, does Challenge mode have same exp or is it the same old, because if it has the same exp, IDK I may just end up gone Crazy if some1 doesn't take me to get a mutha suckin S-rank Bazooka, or S-rank Sword NOW!!!! XD.

Normal: 1st 3 Main story quests, *soon to get Kireeks soul eater if it's obtainable (reply please if that's implemented I so love that weapon)
Hard: Beating Claiming a Stake *atm*, I forgot Kireeks Quest name ugh, short memory loss attacks me at the most laziest times.

Author:  Spoghead [ Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What sup BB peoples

Hey Rioshima, welcome to the club.

Author:  magevideogames [ Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What sup BB peoples

Welcome to the server! When I come on later today if you're available I will assist in anyway I can :D.

Author:  Rioshima [ Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What sup BB peoples

Next status update: made it to level 26, and saw a Al rappy during the last quest where the Andriod girl stole the mags but she didn't understand how to properly raise them.

so i appraoch the Al rappy than Poof, client shuts off on me :(, I thought it was auto disconnect but maybe it was the fact I've been at this for like 3 hours straight XD. *happened like 28 minutes ago, I just got off my PS3 playing WKC 2*

And okay, sounds good I'm logging back on right now I'm not letting a small rollback from a disconnection stop me.

Author:  Docta [ Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What sup BB peoples

Greetings Rio and welcome to eden dude, you show those rares who's boss!

Author:  var00 [ Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What sup BB peoples

welcome to eden.

Im wyatt, been playin for a LONG time. Not here, but pso in general.

enjoy your stay here on eden my friend.

Author:  Rioshima [ Wed Dec 14, 2011 12:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What sup BB peoples

Status Update: level 49, *beat C-1 for Episode 1 With iron, I've been given lotsa info and easier pathes but listen if PSO was meant to be a easy striaght patheway to S-ranks than they shouldnt be S-ranks *a Joke yes but a good one*.

Logged on *8 players online buncha rooms so im happy but for now. I STILL WANT MY CHALLENGE MODE EP 2*

Author:  Spoghead [ Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What sup BB peoples

Might be worth making a thread for a c-mode team..!

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