Xbox 360 Keybored question?
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Author:  Loki [ Thu Dec 03, 2009 4:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Xbox 360 Keybored question?

Now i dont no who has this but if you have a 360 and your a big gamer you probally have the 360 messenger kit which has the attachable keybored to the 360 game contoller. Question, did anyone try to hook it up becuase use a 360 controller to play psobb right now. i want to no if the keybored would work?

Author:  XxNaHtExX [ Fri Dec 04, 2009 12:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Xbox 360 Keybored question?

Loki wrote:
Now i dont no who has this but if you have a 360 and your a big gamer you probally have the 360 messenger kit which has the attachable keybored to the 360 game contoller. Question, did anyone try to hook it up becuase use a 360 controller to play psobb right now. i want to no if the keybored would work?

I know you can play with a 360 controller, using the drivers found in this topic:

I doubt the keyboard attachment will work with PSO, but I'm not sure, as I don't own one. The headset won't work on your PC through the 360 controller though, so I'm gonna say no >.>

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